How to get from Bangkok to Ayutthaya by train?

How to get from Bangkok to Ayutthaya by train.

It is possible to get from Bangkok to Ayutthaya by train. Trains run regularly between the two cities and there are several departures per day. The journey time is approximately 2 hours. There are several types of trains that run between the two cities, some of which are express and others are commuter trains. It is also possible to take a bus between the two cities, but the journey is much longer (about 4 hours). It is possible to travel from Bangkok to Ayutthaya by train. Trains run regularly between the two cities and there are several departures per day. The journey time is approximately 2 hours. There are several types of trains that run between the two cities, some of which are express and others are commuter trains. It is also possible to travel to Ayutthaya by bus. Buses leave regularly from the Bangkok bus station and the journey time is about 1.5 hours.

How to get to Ayutthaya from Bangkok

There are various ways to get to Ayutthaya from Bangkok. You can travel by bus, train or car.

  • The bus is the cheapest and easiest way to travel. Buses leave every hour and most buses stop in Ayutthaya. The journey time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • The train is the most comfortable way to get to Ayutthaya. Trains leave every hour and most trains stop in Ayutthaya. The journey time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • The fastest way to get to Ayutthaya is by car. The journey time is approximately 1 hour. There are different ways to get to Ayutthaya from Bangkok. You can travel by bus, train or car.